deepest blue



If I cast out all my thoughts
and problems,
rid my soul of toxins
others have created,
by planting their seeds
of doubt or anger
within me

Will I be free?

If I walk that sandy path
to your shore,
where the waters are calm
and the breeze warm and tranquil,

Will it blow my mind?

If I gaze out in wonderment,
or stand in awe of your beauty
to behold the horizon
on which everything and everyone
must turn the tide,

Will I escape?

And can I expel the poison
from my system
by diving into the waves
or breathing in the salty air?

Will it cleanse my soul?

Will I leave a piece
of myself behind
and take with me
a single grain of sand
as a token
of the old and the new?

And will it shelter me
in the deepest of blue?

Photo by Sandy Bernstein