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western vistas



Rainbow rock formations,
natural bridges and mesas
scrape the western skyline
standing tall among the clouds;
granite gods
towering over deep canyon walls,
multi-colored layers
of petrified rock and sand,
nature’s own poetic brushstroke,  
a cascading canvas
of stunning panoramic views
so vast
it stretches beyond sight,
hiding in places the mind cannot fathom
and dreams dare not go.

An endless sea of wonder
of rugged mountainous terrain
sleep in the distance
where the wild creatures roam,
as a lonely river snakes
a rough course far below,
through desolate forgotten land.

An arid breeze
caresses the dry dusty plane
where visitors seek shelter
and travel switchback roads
leading nowhere
through an ever changing landscape
from cacti and tumbleweed
to ponderosa pine,
and finally redwood,
where earth meets sea.

Western vistas,
a landscape of timeless beauty,
a journey that awakens our senses
and stirs the lost soul,
capturing the wilderness of the heart.
