paul's pages


Paul Angelosanto would like it to be known that art is art.
He has been published in magazines, newspapers, print books, and e-books. Some e-book titles include; Mystika Moone and The Deathless Night series.
A few musical projects that Paul has been involved with include; Spaceseed; a Georgia based band, Astro Al; a group of drunken reprobates from parts unknown, Tim Mungenast; a super awesome singing guitar player who is a goat/human hybrid, and Harts Horn; a super amazing home spun space rock from Michigan.
If you want to find out about his writings and tunes go to www.astroal.com

Paul also hates writing about himself in the third person.  

Check out all of Paul's E-stories on Amazon at: amazon.com


Mystika Moone

Who is Mystika Moone? Is she a super hero come to save the world or is there something else behind her appearance? What is the thing known as Leviathian? Is this a science fiction novel disguiesd as a super hero novel or a super hero novel wrapped up in science fiction setting? Read on and learn why Mystika Moone has come to the planet called Terra.
Available on Amazon: Mystika Moone