paul's pages


Hey! You! Yeah you, whoever you are reading this bio.
Here’s the deal:
There’s this dude named Paul Angelosanto. He writes novels, poetry, and short stories in many different genres. His sci-fi novel Mystika Moone is available as an ebook on Amazon.

This Paul dude is in a spaced out band called Astro Al. You can check out their psychedelic tunes and other links at

Also Paul writes some of the words for the cosmic prog/metal band Spaceseed.
So go forth and explore!
Oh and you if you want to send a pile of money to Paul, he won’t object.

Check out all of Paul's E-stories on Amazon at:


Mystika Moone

Who is Mystika Moone? Is she a super hero come to save the world or is there something else behind her appearance? What is the thing known as Leviathian? Is this a science fiction novel disguiesd as a super hero novel or a super hero novel wrapped up in science fiction setting? Read on and learn why Mystika Moone has come to the planet called Terra.
Available on Amazon: Mystika Moone